The health protocol of ARMONIA Hotel follows the national regulations and safety protocols as published by the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Health and National Public Health Organization (EODY) *. The described measures are reviewed and can be modified in accordance with the latest provisions and instructions of the Greek Government.
* (article 60 Law 4688/2020 - Government Gazette AD 101 / 24.05.2020 and no. 6632 / 16.04.2021 JMC of the Ministers of Finance, Health and Tourism, Government Gazette B 1223 / 17.03.2022 as in force after its amendment No. 6632 / 16.04.2021).
Action Plan
Responsible Coordinator for the supervision of the implementation of the Action Plan: Margarita Karamolegkou
The observance of the health protocols is based on training received by the coordinator for the supervision of the implementation of the Action Plan Margarita Karamolegkou, by the Cyclades Chamber through the modern teleconferencing training, duration 2 hours.
Our Staff
The staff of ARMONIA Hotel has been trained and informed οn health protocols, including modes of virus transmission, information and communication procedures, emergency procedures in case of Covid incident, cleaning and disinfecting practices by the Coordinator, Mrs. Margarita Karamolegkou and strictly observes the basic protective measures against COVID-19.
In more detail, our staff adheres to the following axes:
- Complies with good personal and respiratory hygiene practices (washing - hand cleaning, covering the nose and mouth during coughing or sneezing with a tissue, avoiding touching the face, using a mask, face shield, gloves, etc.).
- Maintains physical distancing from customers and other staff in all workplaces, hotel areas and rest areas.
- A staff member who has symptoms common to those of COVID - 19 stays at home and returns to work if the COVID - 19 lab test is negative. Also, if any of the staff comes in contact with a case at a distance of less than 2 meters and for more than fifteen (15) minutes, the employee must stay at home. In the above cases, the employee notifies the person responsible for the
implementation of the suspicious case management plan of the accommodation. - In the context of individual responsibility, the staff is thermally measured every morning.
Individual Hygiene Measures & Personal Protective Equipment
ARMONIA hotel takes measures for the implementation of good personal hygiene practices (both by employees and by third parties) in the workplace and supervises their continuous implementation. Specifically:
- Informs and encourages staff and third parties to comply with good personal and respiratory hygiene practices (washing - hand cleaning, covering the nose and mouth during coughing or sneezing with a tissue, etc.).
- Provides antiseptic solutions (in the form of liquid or foam or gel or soaked wipes) and materials for drying hands (disposable towels) to the employees and installs suitable mechanisms for antiseptic hands at the entrances / exits and in the common areas of the accommodation,
- Provides the personnel with the appropriate Personal Protection Means (PPE) (masks, face shield, gloves, etc.), in accordance with the specific instructions / directions of EODY, the National Committee for Public Health Protection and decisions of the competent bodies.
- Supervises the adequacy of PPE stocks.
- Trains the staff for the safe use of PPE based on the instructions of EODY and supervises their proper use.
- Supervises the arrival of third parties (eg guests, associates, distributors, etc.) at the accommodation and informs them to avoid overcrowding, to ensure compliance with the required distances and to use PPE.
- Provides information to the staff, in any convenient way, such as e.g. oral information, posting of announcements or information / reminder signs for personal hygiene and preventive measures in all areas, etc.
- Educates the staff regarding the special instructions for cleaning in case of a case.
- Encourages employees and customers to use ladders and avoid using elevators, as much as possible.
- Takes care of the diagnostic control of coronavirus disease COVID-19, according to the current legislation for all the staff of the accommodation
Suspected Case Management Plan (Accommodation File And Event Book)
- In case of a suspicious case, the management plan of a suspicious case of EODY (Annex III JMC) is followed faithfully.
- Margarita Karamolegkou, who is also the coordinator for the supervision of the Action Plan, is responsible for the implementation of the suspicious case management plan of the ARMONIA Hotel. Contact details: 6972877081, e-mail: santorini_armonia@yahoo.gr.
- For the purposes of public health protection, the management maintains a COVID-19 (physical or electronic) record and event book of staff members and all persons staying at the hotel - name, nationality, date of arrival and departure, contact details (address, telephone, e-mail) - to be enable to contact with any COVID-19 case, which may be identified a posteriori.
For the keeping of the accommodation file and the event book, the guests and the employees are informed and the Regulation of Personal Data Protection (GDPR) and the Law 4624/2019 are observed.
Reception Service Protocol
The staff takes the necessary hygiene measures, keeps distances of at least 1.5 meters from customers and follows the rules of hygiene.
When requested there is a possibility:
- Informing guests about the accommodation policy and the measures it has taken to deal with any incidents.
- Providing useful information for health care providers, pharmacies, public and private hospitals.
- Provision of Personal Protection Means.
- Providing special equipment (medical kit) in case of an incident, such as gloves and disposable masks, antiseptics, cleaning wipes, apron, long-sleeved robe, laser thermometer.
- We encourage our guests to immediately inform the reception in case they notice symptoms of possible illness in anyone inside the Hotel.
Staff can identify customer symptoms and report them directly to the healthcare professional. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are fever and cough. Symptoms may also include headache and arthralgia, nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Many people may be asymptomatic.
At the Reception:
- There is an antiseptic for use by guests.
- Regular disinfection of its surfaces is applied
- It is appropriately configured to maintain distances.
- Floor marking is placed at a distance of two meters where the customer is standing, and appropriate marking of distances in the waiting area.
- The arrangement of the furniture is modified and the people who are waiting to be served are properly managed in order to reduce the waiting time and maintain safe distances.
- Crowding is avoided at check-in / check-out, physical distance is monitored.
- We provide our customers with the possibility of making electronic payment of accommodation expenses, by sending invoices and receipts electronically.
- The key cards are disinfected - they are placed in a special container to be disinfected after use.
- Information is provided on the extension of check-in and check-out time between stays. Check-out until 11:00 a.m. and check-in from 15:00 p.m. The time between each check-in and check-out ensures that between different customers the room is cleaned, thoroughly disinfected and adequate natural ventilation is followed. The Hotel has chosen the meticulous cleaning - disinfection (eg with steam cleaner) on the disputed room and bathroom surfaces after each check - out.
- Non-residents are allowed in the rooms.
For cleanliness - disinfection:
- Observance of cleaning and disinfection program, according to no. Δ1γ / Γ.Π / οικ 19954 / 20.03.2020 circular of the Ministry of Health "Cleaning and disinfection measures in areas and surfaces during the evolution of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2" (ΑΔΑ: 6ΚΨ6465ΦΥΟ-1ΝΔ), as in force.
- Special cleaning instructions are applied in case of a case according to the EODY Instructions.
More specifically:
- The cleaning staff uses a simple surgical mask, gloves and a disposable waterproof robe.
- After removing the PPE, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water and dispose of them in a closed bin.
- All hard surfaces, floors, chairs, knobs, etc. are cleaned and disinfected with cloths / disposable cloths or cleaning paper and mops with removable heads.
- Disposable equipment is treated as potentially contaminating material and disposed of in special bags.
- Use 0.1% sodium hypochlorite after cleaning with neutral detergent. For surfaces that are likely to be damaged by the use of sodium hypochlorite, it is necessary to use ethanol at a concentration of 70% after cleaning with a neutral detergent.
- When using disinfectants, the room is well ventilated,
- Avoid splashing and spraying during cleaning and disinfection.
- Sanitation services have been strengthened in all public areas and especially in" high risk "objects such as knobs, elevator knobs, etc .
For cleanliness and disinfection in case of a COVID-19 case:
- All surfaces that may be contaminated and all objects that are visibly soiled / contaminated with body fluids, are washed and disinfected according to the above instructions.
- The cleaning staff uses a simple surgical mask, gloves and a disposable waterproof robe.
- During his work, the employee does not touch his face with his hands, does not smoke, does not eat.
- After removing the protective equipment, the employee makes sure that it is properly disposed of and the hands are thoroughly washed with soap and water.
- In all public areas, the sanitary services are strengthened and especially on " high risk "objects.
- The adequacy of PPE equipment of personnel (gloves, masks, robe, closed shoes, etc.) is checked.
- Not frequent cleaning of the room during the stay is suggested (avoid contact of cleaning staff with a possible case and further transmission).
- Thorough cleaning and very good ventilation of the room are applied during the hours between stays.
- The proper operation of dishwashers and washing machines are checked in terms of the temperature used and the dosage of detergents.
- Fabric surfaces are cleaned with a steam device (temperature> 70 °).
- Thorough cleaning - disinfection (with steam cleaner) is observed on the disputed room and bathroom surfaces, very good ventilation of the room, with ventilation with open windows and doors and waiting for 1 hour during the hours between stays. In case of a case, disinfection is observed and a wait of 24 hours before the room is made available to a customer. When ventilating the room where a case was detected, it is avoided to open the interior doors to the corridor at the same time.
In the rooms:
- A special disposable zipper is placed on the controls of the TV and the air conditioner after disinfection.
- Fabric surfaces are cleaned with a steam device (temperature> 70 °).
- It is forbidden to clean a room of a confirmed or suspected case or contacts of a confirmed case.
- Thorough cleaning - disinfection (with steam cleaner) is observed on the disputed room and bathroom surfaces, very good ventilation of the room, with ventilation with open windows and doors and waiting for 1 hour during the hours between stays. In case of a case, disinfection is observed and a wait of 24 hours before the room is made available to a customer. When ventilating the room where a case was found, it is avoided to open the interior doors to the corridor at the same time.
- The good operation of dishwashers and washing machines is checked in terms of the temperature used and the dosage of detergents.
- Adequate staff equipment (gloves, masks, robe, closed shoes) is provided. During their work, the cleaning staff must observe the basic measures to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus - COVID-19, does not smoke and does not consume food or beverages.
- Observance of hygiene rules by the staff when sorting dirty linen using the appropriate PPE. (special disposable apron over the suit, gloves and mask).
- Separation (marking) of areas of dirty and clean linen.
- Placing used fabrics, bed linen and towels in special, closed, labeled bags or sacks, in order to be transported to the laundry areas.
- Disinfection after each use of the carts for transporting the closed bags with linen.
- Wash fabrics, bedding and towels in warm cycles (70oC or higher) with standard detergents.
- Care for the maintenance of clean clothing in good and clean condition during storage and transport to the areas of use (rooms, restaurant, etc.).
- Observance of HACCP rules by the kitchen staff (recording of refrigerator temperatures, lists of prepared foods, temperatures of hot preparations).
- Receipt of goods by a specific member of staff and always wearing the appropriate PPE.
- Keeping the distances between the employees in the kitchen according to the requirements of the health authorities.
- It is forbidden to enter the kitchen area for those who do not have a job. In case this can not be avoided, the visitor is provided with appropriate personal protective equipment at the entrance of the kitchen.
- Use of PPE to employees in the kitchen area and ensuring the adequacy of disposable gloves.
The staff takes the necessary hand hygiene measures, keeps at least one meter away from customers, colleagues or third parties and uses the protective equipment correctly.
- Breakfast is served from 08:00 to 11:00. in the breakfast room of the accommodation.
- Maximum allowed number of customers in the restaurant is defined as the number resulting from the ratio of one customer per 2 sq.m. total useful allowable operating area of the space.
- Horizon of ten (10) people as the maximum number of people sitting at a table.
- There is no limit in case of family with minor children.
- The minimum distances between the tables are applied according to the arrangement of the seats.
Especially for the operation of the breakfast buffet
- Disinfectants are provided in fixed or non-fixed devices for the disinfection of hands when entering and leaving each room, while the staff checks for its use by customers.
- The staff supervises the observance of the required distances when serving the customers in the buffet.
- Sneeze guards have been installed in the buffet - alternatively the customer can be served with the disposable gloves provided by the staff, which will be disposed of in a waste bin located after the end of the buffet. It is necessary to disinfect the hands with antiseptic provided by the accommodation, before and after using the gloves.
Swimming Pool
- The accommodation complies with the rules of cleaning and disinfection according to no. Δ1γ / Γ.Π / οικ 19954 / 20.03.2020 circular of the Ministry of Health "Cleaning and disinfection measures in areas and surfaces during the evolution of the pandemic of SARS-CoV-2" (ΑΔΑ: 6ΚΨ6465ΦΥΟ-1ΝΔ), as in force.
- The maximum total number of entrants into the pool at any time will not be more than one bather per 5 sq.m. water surface. Our staff informs about the allowed number of people entering the pool at any time.
Air Conditioning And Ventilation
- The accommodation complies with the provisions of the relevant circular of the Ministry of Health" Taking measures to ensure public health from viral and other infections when using air conditioners ", with emphasis on non-recirculation of air and good natural ventilation in the rooms and other areas (decoration of the non-functioning air conditioning system when the doors are open).
- Ensuring adequate ventilation of all areas with outside air.
- The replacement of the filters for the air conditioners of the household type units (split units) will be done according to the planned maintenance and the works will be performed using and taking all the protective measures (personal protective equipment, ventilation, safe collection of the replaced filters ) including respiratory protection.
Common Areas (Indoors And Outdoors)
Common Areas include lobbies, seating areas, outdoor seating areas, shared WCs.
- The operation of these premises in accordance with the applicable legal framework,
- Marking to remind customers to keep their distance - apply measures such as floor tapes or other means of keeping their distance,
- Antiseptic solutions (fixed or non-fixed devices) for dry hand antiseptic have been installed in all public areas,
- The furniture of the common areas has been rearranged to avoid overcrowding (2 people / 10 sq.m.)
- In the shared toilets, information has been placed on the users to avoid the crowds and to empty the basins of the shared toilets with a closed lid to prevent the transmission of the aerosol from the toilet.
- Emphasis has been placed on non-recirculation of air and good natural ventilation in the rooms and other areas of the hotel.
- Έχει δοθεί έμφαση στην μη επανακυκλοφορία του αέρα και τον καλό φυσικό αερισμό στα δωμάτια και στους υπόλοιπους χώρους του ξενοδοχείου.